
I'm back (I think)

Oh my - it's been so long. I'm just gonna jump right back here, I don't know what happened but it has to do with the winter, the cold, the snow, the fatigue and the kids being sick all the time. . No energy. Also: thoughts about changing language here to Swedish. Thoughts about finding a better web hotel since you can't subscribe to this blog unless you have an gmail account (is that so?). And thoughts about how to use the very little time I have got theese days. It is close to nothing. The older the smallest kid gets, the more attention she needs. And the oldest, he who is two years.. well, attention, attention, ATTENTION. The other day I thought: this is sooo not normal.. His outbursts. The drama. But then a mom I know told me that the avarage amount of conflicts with a two year old is about twenty a day. 20. A day. Conflicts.
At night I feel like I try to fall sleep a feet or so over the bed - that's how tense I am, ready to wake up and move over to my son's bed or to nurse the baby. I realize I'm not connected to the bed, then I try to relax.
Ready - this readiness. When will it end - never?

I have though, I don't know how, been doing some art. I did a performance at the Modern Museum in Stockholm. I called it Tender objects inspired by my last blog post. The things, objects to keep, the objects around us .. I had a few actors do a show-and-tell abou a few things they had chosen from their home. It was beautiful, only the setting was completely wrong. It was a club and the arty crowd was very restless due to thirst for beer, I believe. In the next performance (not mine) the audinece got to drink a whole bottle of vodka, I think that was more of what they were after, maybee.

I also attended a workshop for actors. Or, it wasn't for actors, it was meant to be for all kind of artists and about creativity. But it was mostly about performing. On stage. Perferably with an audience.
I often find myself in awkward situations, situations that are very uncomfortable for me. I'm often uncomfortable leaving my safe places. I want to know things. I want to know enough about things not to feel unsafe. I know that's not possible if one ever want to learn something new. And I am. Learning.
I'm learning so much I actually start to get ready to pass that learning on. So. I'm trying to put together a workshop in creative writing. More on that later. More on everything later.

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